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    Tracking products and solutions   Fox Fleet Management System (FMS)

Fox Fleet Management System (FMS)



Fox Fleet Management System (FMS) consists of Fox AVL devices installed into the vehicles, Fox server placed in the monitoring center, PCs i.e. customer’s working stations (GPS Vehicle Tracking Software) and communication infrastructure provided by mobile GSM network and Internet. Fox Fleet Management System server permanently receives data sent by Fox devices through GSM network, processes them and stores them into database. The user have access to these data through Fox software of the monitoring center and monitors vehicle movement on detailed maps and controls vehicles statuses.

Monitoring center could be installed in all companies with bigger fleet of vehicles. PC, permanent connection with Internet, fix IP address with installed web FMS software would be enough. Operator in the monitoring center, through computer and Intranet, i.e. local computer network communicates with Fox server, which transfers all data on vehicles.


Other users can establish connection with Fox site through simple dial up connection with Internet. They need simple web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Chrome and subscription for vehicle monitoring services. In this case it is not necessary to install any special software for PC, and with access to Geneko FMS web site the user gets the same interface with maps and all functions for monitoring positions and statuses of the vehicles and alarming, as well as the user who is directly connected with Fox server.



There are two ways to use FMS services:






Fox Fleet Management System architecture scheme



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